Modules PrestaShop
Add ons
Google Rich Snippets—the few lines of text that appear under every search result—are designed to give users a sense for what’s on the page and why it’s relevant to their query.
DineroMail allows any individual or company to collect its sales with major credit cards, payment in cash or by bank transfer.
Add ons
Backgrounds Everywhere
Add different background images to the product page, category, manufacturer or pages (contact, top, top sales) with this great module.
Chat / Communication
Share Circle
This prestashop module adds a circle with social buttons to any html element of your site. You can add to images, text, divs, etc.
Add ons
Form Glow
Add a glow effect to fields in your forms. The module allows you to select the color brightness, and adds to all text fields and text areas.
News and banners
Aero Slider - Multi slider and multilingual
A slider multilanguage (different images, text and url for each language) completely configurable. You can have up to 5 at the same time slider (top, footer, left, right, home)
News and banners
Multi banners
This module allows you to add to Prestashop consecutive images and unlimited hooks home, top, left_column, right_column, shoppingcart and footer.
Add ons
Remove Layer x/y error message
This module remove the warning message from google chrome caused in some js scripts.
Back Office
This module edit the file to activate the debug errors from back office. Also you can set the memory limit that gives many errors in PHP.
News and banners
Share to show hidden content
This module has a hidden content on the home page. They can be videos, images, text and discount codes or files to download.
The customer may only see the hidden content clicking on the buttons +1 google social networking, twitter or facebook
Modules PrestaShop
Product Videos
Product videos is a module to show youtube videos on your product page.
This module lets you add images and links on the product page. You can add as many pictures as you want and specify different images for different languages
Modules PrestaShop
Logo Format
Logo Format is a module that let you upload png, jpg, or gif logo and modify your template to show your logo.
Chat / Communication
Share plus
Share Plus is a module that allows you to add links to google plus social networking, twitter, facebbok, Linked In and more.
Can be displayed and columns, product pages, footer, etc.
Cross browser
Modules PrestaShop
Voting system
The voting module allowing users to vote for a product (if you like it or not) and show a block top rated products.
Chat / Communication
Google plus 1 button
This module adds +1 google button to your website to recommend your site to google. The module can be positioned in the top, columns or on the product page.You can customize the size of the module, and loads the language of the store automatically
Modules PrestaShop
Image color fill
Fill the images generated by prestashop with the desired color (replace the white background color of the products,category, etc).
Block language and currency
They are two separate modules that allow you to display the languages and currencies in a drop-down menu in the header, or in blocks of a page
News and banners
FlashBanner is a prestashop module fully configurable from the back office, to show slide of images.
News and banners
Bannermaker (images, videos, swf)
This module developed in Flash, allows us to show pictures (jpg, png or gif), video animations SWF MP4 or animated banners.
Back Office
This module can update the stock quantity of the products found in a given category.
Add ons
Stickyfot - Webiya
This module shows a footer bar from wibiya service, and let you to you social links (facebook, google+, twitter, pinterest, etc), statistics, web page translation, chat, and a lot of more options