Smarty variables

All Smarty variables are global. You should therefore pay attention not to name your own variable with the name of an existing Smarty variable, in order to avoid overwriting it. It is good practice to avoid overly simple names, such as products, and to prefix it with your module's name, or even your own name, such as: {$mark_mymodule_product}.
Here is a list of Smarty variables that are common to all pages:
File / folder | Description |
img_ps_dir | URL for the PrestaShop image folder. |
img_cat_dir | URL for the categories images folder. |
img_lang_dir | URL for the languages images folder. |
img_prod_dir | URL for the products images folder. |
img_manu_dir | URL for the manufacturers images folder. |
img_sup_dir | URL for the suppliers images folder. |
img_ship_dir | URL for the carriers (shipping) images folder. |
img_dir | URL for the theme's images folder. |
css_dir | URL for the theme's CSS folder. |
js_dir | URL for the theme's JavaScript folder. |
tpl_dir | URL for the current theme's folder. |
modules_dir | URL the modules folder. |
mail_dir | URL for the mail templates folder. |
pic_dir | URL for the pictures upload folder. |
lang_iso | ISO code for the current language. |
come_from | URL for the visitor's origin. |
shop_name | Shop name. |
cart_qties | Number of products in the cart. |
cart | The cart. |
currencies | The various available currencies. |
id_currency_cookie | ID of the current currency. |
currency | Currency object (currently used currency). |
cookie | User cookie. |
languages | The various available languages. |
logged | Indicates whether the visitor is logged to a customer account. |
page_name | Page name. |
customerName | Client name (if logged in). |
priceDisplay | Price display method (with or without taxes...). |
roundMode | Rounding method in use. |
use_taxes | Indicates whether taxes are enabled or not. |