Modules PrestaShop
Chat / Communication
This prestashop module adds a circle with social buttons to any html element of your site. You can add to images, text, divs, etc.
News and banners
Share to show hidden content
This module has a hidden content on the home page. They can be videos, images, text and discount codes or files to download.
The customer may only see the hidden content clicking on the buttons +1 google social networking, twitter or facebook
Chat / Communication
Social Zoom
This Prestashop module show social icons with Hover effect (zoom)
Chat / Communication
Share plus
Share Plus is a module that allows you to add links to google plus social networking, twitter, facebbok, Linked In and more.
Can be displayed and columns, product pages, footer, etc.
Cross browser
Chat / Communication
Google plus 1 button
This module adds +1 google button to your website to recommend your site to google. The module can be positioned in the top, columns or on the product page.You can customize the size of the module, and loads the language of the store automatically
Add ons
Stickyfot - Webiya
This module shows a footer bar from wibiya service, and let you to you social links (facebook, google+, twitter, pinterest, etc), statistics, web page translation, chat, and a lot of more options
Add a red social share button
-Facebook, Twitter, Meneame, Google, email, favs, etc