Modules PrestaShop

Prestashop modules for all PS versions
Show product customizations (text fields  and image fields) in a more visible place.
Featured products


Shown on the homepage, select products by categories. When you move your mouse over any product displays all the product pictures and price.
TouchSlider TouchSlider 2
  • On sale!
Touch Slider is a content scroller for Prestashop,  with touch navigation for mobile and desktop. Its compatible with iphone, ipad, android and desktop browsers. Is multilingual (you can configure different title, description, link and images for each language of your store)
This module updates the jQuery 1.4.4 version of prestashop, the latest version available. Giving access to new features for future modules and templates.
Add ons

Point of action

Draws the attention of your customers to your site somewhere indicated with an arrow pointing to that place
Chat / Communication

Social Zoom

This Prestashop module show social icons with Hover effect (zoom) 
This module shows a link to all downloadable products purchased by the customer in the same place. Improves the visualization of virtual products, and shows the expiration date.
Perfect Slider Perfect Slider 2
  • On sale!
Perfect Slider is a jQuery banner pictures in completely configurable. It has the advantage of being able to load different images, text and links for each language that your shop has.Now you can add youtube/vimeo videos
Modules PrestaShop


This module shows blocks in a accordion to save space in the columns.  Can show new products,  best sellers, specials and manufacturers.
Add ons

Slide captcha

Tired of spam from the contact form? This module protects your form by means of a simple iphone-style unlocking (slide to unlock)
Featured products

Circle Thumbs

A module for PrestaShop to show products in the form of mini circles.
Product added to wishlist
Product added to compare.

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