Modules PrestaShop

Prestashop modules for all PS versions
This module allows you to display block my account with the login option for registered users, and link to register.

Google Badge

Display google plus personal/company profile in your PrestaShop site.
Manufacturers and suppliers

Responsive brands / suppliers

RSI Sistemas
Show your manufacturers or distributors with this magnificent carousel, fully configurable and adaptable to any device (tablet, mobile, pc)
Prices and promotions

Massive Discounts

RSI Sistemas
Do you want to create discounts based on a certain price range? Do you want to create discounts for a limited time by restricting them by manufacturer or categories? MassiveDiscounts is your module !. With it you can do all these discounts in a couple of clicks.
Add ons

Move to Top

RSI Sistemas
This module adds a animated button (the button move when you are close) and go to top of the page when you click.
Featured products

Vertical carousel of products

RSI Sistemas
VerticalCarousel is a module that allows you to display products on your site in a striking and elegant
Show product customizations (text fields  and image fields) in a more visible place.
Back Office


This module edit the file to activate the debug errors from back office. Also you can set the memory limit that gives many errors in PHP. 
Product added to wishlist
Product added to compare.

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